Coins Auction Report 18th August 2021
19th August 2021
For the first time in Warwick and Warwick history our 18th August 2021 auction was broadcast exclusively live online via Easy Live Auctions.
Please note all our future auctions will now begin at 10:00am.
The auction had some great lots and some even greater bids with customers bidding via Easy Live and also with the usual commission and telephone bids.

Beginning with British hammered coins, highlights included this Celtic Gallic War issues uniface horse stater which realised £575. This Kings of East Anglia Edmund penny sold for £750 and this Anglo-Viking Danish East Anglia St. Edmund memorial penny achieved £625.

This William I penny realised £1,550. This Henry V gold noble sold for £2,400 and this Charles I gold crown achieved £525.

Moving on to the milled British coins section highlights include this 1729 EIC five guineas realised a massive £13,500. This 1746 crown sold for £12,000 and this 1759 guinea achieve £1,450.

This 1847 Gothic crown with plain edge realised £8,000 and this 1847 Gothic crown graded about uncirculated sold for £6,500.

In the gold section modern coins proved popular with this 2002 Queen's Golden Jubilee £5 to Maundy proof gold set achieving £6,750.

The highlight of the medallic and commemorative section was a range of c1930s Chinese 10 mainly pin badges which realised a massive £6,000!

In the world section this Colombia Philip V 2 escudos sold for £1,350 and this Spain/ Islamic Kingdom of Murcia (Mursiya) dinar achieved £725.
Our next coin auction will be held on Wednesday 20th October 2020. Look out for the full catalogue for this sale, which will appear on our website in the next few weeks. Also keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your entire coin collection or part of it? Would you like us to value your coins and give you advice on how best to market them? Visit our coins and banknotes department page for more information or call us on 01926 499 031 and speak to a valuer.
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