Warwick and Warwick Coins and Banknotes Auction Report - 11th December 2019
13th December 2019
The wet weather did nothing to deter the keen bidders at our last auction of this year. There was plenty for them to choose from with over 660 lots offered in this sale.
We began with the English banknotes section, highlights of which include this Bradbury first issue 1914 £1 which realised £552.

This Bradbury second issue 1914 £1 sold for £360.

And this Warren-Fisher third issue 1927 10 shillings achieved £432.

In the world banknotes section this Iraq 1942 Faisal II quarter dinar realised £504.

This Scotland Bank of Scotland 1962 (15 Nov) £100 sold for £288.

And this Straits Settlements 1916 (10 Jul) $1 achieved £324.

In the British coins section, there was an interesting range of Celtic coins offered. Highlights included this Iceni Bury Type silver unit which realised £276.

And this Iceni CAN DVRO silver unit which sold for £288.

In the hammered coins section this lovely Edward IV second reign angel achieved £1,800.

This Elizabeth I seventh issue crown realised £840.

And this Elizabeth I milled coinage intermediate shilling sold for £1,110.

In the milled British section, highlights included this 1714 guinea which achieved £1,500.

This 1763 Northumberland shilling realised £660.

And this beautiful 1847 Gothic crown sold for £1,260.

In the British gold section this 1818 sovereign achieved £4,680.

And this 1838 sovereign realised £2,640.

There was an excellent selection of medallic issues offered in this auction, highlights include this 1792 Defeat of Sultan Tippoo issue which sold for £312.

This First of June 1794 Naval Victory issue achieved £252.

And this 1799 Restoration of Ferdinand IV of Naples issue realised £336.

In the world section this French 1792I ecu (6 livres) with FARNCOIS error sold for £930.

And the sale was rounded off with this Roman Augustus silver denarius achieved £264.

Our next coin and banknote auction will be held on Wednesday 19th February 2020. Look out for the full catalogue for this sale, which will appear on our website in the next few weeks. Also keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your entire coin and banknote collection or part of it? Would you like us to value your coins and banknotes and give you advice on how best to market them? Visit our coins and banknotes department page for more information.
The directors and staff would like to wish all our customers a Happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.
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