Warwick and Warwick Model Railway Auction Report 15th September 2021
19th October 2021
Our 15th September 2021 Die Cast and Toys auction had some great lots and some even greater bids with customers bidding live via Easy Live and also with commission and telephone bids.
All our auctions now start at 10.00am and are held exclusively online via Easy Live with no room bidders allowed. Viewing of the lots is strictly by appointment only on the Friday, Monday and Tuesday before the auction. No viewing is allowed on the day of the auction itself. Please call us on 01926 499 031 to book an appointment for viewing.

In the live steam section this Stuart Endeavour Beam Engine realised £230.

O gauge models proved popular as ever with this Bing clockwork MR maroon 650 4-4-2 locomotive and tender selling for £490 and this Hornby 20V GWR green 3821 'County of Bedford' 4-4-0 locomotive the tender achieved £320. This Hornby 3-rail electric Nord brown 31801 4-4-2 locomotive and tender sold for £140.

In the OO/ HO gauge section highlights included this Hornby Dublo BR Class 4MT Standard Tank 2-6-4T BR 80059 locomotive which realised £60 and this Wrenn BR 34053 'Royal Observer Corps Rebuilt Bullied Pacific 4-6-2 locomotive and tender sold for £230.
Our next Model Railway auction will be held on Wednesday 17th November 2021. The full catalogue for this sale will be on our website in the next few weeks or keep an eye on our Twitter and Facebook pages which will include updates of our latest auction news.
Are you thinking of selling your model railway collection or perhaps part of it? Would you like us to value your collection of model railway and give you advice on how best to market it? Visit our selling model railway page for more information or call us on 01926 499 031 and ask to speak to one of our experts.
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