Senior stamp valuer Ian Hunter to retire.
14th April 2020
After over 20 years at Warwick and Warwick, we are very sad to announce that senior stamp valuer Ian Hunter (not of Mott the Hoople fame!) has decided to put up his tweezers and enjoy a well-earned retirement.
Ian has worked in the stamp trade for most of his working life and joined Warwick and Warwick way back in 1999.
Due to the current health crisis restrictions we are not able to give him the send-off he deserves at the moment but will be sure to rectify this when they are lifted. There has been mention by him of a few drinks and a twiglet or two at the pub and we will certainly be holding him to that!
All the members of staff here, and undoubtably our customers too, would agree that Ian is one of the funniest and kindest human beings anyone could meet and we’re all going to miss him more than this latest news article can express.
From all of us here Mr H, you will be very much missed chap.

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